What is
the Census?
The U.S. Census Bureau is the leading source of information on the nation’s people, places, and economy, providing data about our country’s population size and growth as well as detailed portraits of the changing characteristics of our communities. The Census Bureau, part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, was created to address America’s need to count its population.
Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau counts everyone living in the country, including college students like you. Your response to the 2020 Census will help make sure communities across the nation are accurately funded and represented for the next decade.
Self-response and field data collection operations for the 2020 Census will conclude on October 15, 2020.
Countdown to the Census, April 1st
Fill out your census form now online, takes less than 10 minutes and shapes the next 10 years of funding for UCR community
UCR Counts Featured on UCOP channel
Uplift Our Neighborhoods
The 2020 Census will help decide how billions of dollars will reach our families. Your answers will help determine funding for dozens of programs that provide essential resources to Californians. Census data determines funding allocations for schools, child care programs, road maintenance projects and social assistance programs.
Promote Community Wellness
The 2020 Census will ensure the health and wellness of our families and neighborhoods. By filling out the form, your data informs where new hospitals are built, improve our health programs, and increase jobs and business opportunities. Learn More Here
Safe and Confidential Census
Information collected during the 2020 Census can’t be shared or used against you in any way. Your information is only used to generate statistics, it can’t be shared with immigration or law enforcement agencies, and it can’t be used to determine your eligibility for government benefits. Your privacy and security are taken seriously.
A Voice for UCR
The 2020 Census will determine the number of representatives California has in the U.S. House of Representatives and the number of votes we have in the Electoral College. Your information will also be used to redraw State Assembly and Senate boundaries. Participating in the 2020 Census ensures that you and your communities have fair representation.
Improving Economic Development
Local businesses rely on a complete and accurate count to make important strategy, marketing, and development decisions. Learn More Here
2020 Census: What College Students Need to Know to be Counted in the Right Place
Every person in the country is required to fill out the 2020 Census form. Luckily, you have many ways to respond.
Whichever you choose, just make sure you fill out the form.
By Mail
The paper Census form will be available in English and Spanish languages and can be mailed back to the U.S. Census Bureau.
By Phone
The Census can be completed by phone in 13 languages including Telecommunication Device for the Deaf.
For the first time, the Census form will be available to complete online in 13 languages.
Living off Campus vs Living on Campus
If you live in off-campus housing that is not owned, leased, or managed by your college or university, such as a private house that you share with other students or a privately owned apartment, you can respond online, by phone, or by mail beginning in midMarch 2020. You should count yourself at your off-campus address, even if you spend time somewhere else during school breaks.
If you live in on-campus student housing like residence halls, off-campus residence halls, or other student housing facilities that are owned, leased, or managed by your college or university, U.S. Census Bureau employees will work with representatives from your building to ensure that you are counted. You may be asked to complete an individual census form.
If you are an international student, the same rules apply